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MH101 Graduation feedback

My background
The I trained as a software engineer. The I came across this course while in a bit of a life crisis (or maybe it's an awakening) and have adjustment disorder and some trauma. The I did some shadow work exercises had a strange experience in meditation before this sudden realisation that The I was in a bad relationship and some trauma got triggered and the Me's life fell apart... but it should be a good thing errgh... The I has been doing CBT and journalling before this course.

I found it helpful and worth the money compared to therapy, it helped me a lot with calming down. It is the best explanation for how emotions work that I've come across! The equation of emotion appeals to my software background. Doing meta-awareness and changing EoE exercise is much faster than CBT thought challenging that I would do on paper over 2 pages.

The video format is really good because I had some concentration issues making it hard to read books. I have a pile of self-help books that I haven't read. I intend to read them and then try the course again sometime.
Some of the slides had mistakes and could have been a bit more polished. For a paid course it's a little disappointing. If I remember, there was one part about more complex emotions which said "go read the book" and I was a bit annoyed, still haven't found which bit of the book to read.

The homework was set at a good pace and I did do it and saw a difference. I think noticing the difference and feeling of more space and lightness is the biggest motivator to keep doing the homework. I was a bit put-off meditation after this experience that happened to me previously, but settled back into it with the guidance of this course.

I love "the me" revelation! But I keep forgetting to do it, practiced meta-awareness a lot but I forget this one probably from less practice.

It's been some months since I did the course and I still journal and meditate occasionally, but a bit slack. I'll have something bothering me, but forget to go into meta-awareness and change my Expectation/Preference, but when I do remember it feels great, so this is my motivation to return to the course again sometime.

The course was very head-based, but for myself I need to connect with my body/felt sense more and have some numb/blocked emotions, so sometimes I found identifying emotions a bit difficult. If Sean did a course for trauma healing I'd be all over that. I was looking at Irene Lyon's nervous system course, it's like similar awareness, but for the body. Sometimes I would have multiple emotional triggers at once and have trouble sorting it out.

I'd be interested what Sean thinks of denial and cognitive dissonance and how to deal with it. And brain integration and the stuff Ian McGilchrist talks about with the right brain and how that relates to "the me".

My strangest experience was going into meta-awareness to change an Expectation/Preference and then doubting that I'm doing it right. Then entering meta-meta-awareness for doubting that I'm doing it right and changing my Expectation for that too (it seemed like a paradox not to know what you know) and it just went "pop". I follow some positive YT channels for guidance what I should actually expect sometimes.

When I signed up, I didn't realise that my email address would become my forum handle, I'd like to change the @real-name-email to @anonymous-email, but can't seem to do so. It's putting me off recommending to people I know because they can see my real name.

Since doing this course I've gotten into parts work and read about IFS which I'm finding useful when I have 2 things I flip/flop between or seem to be at odds internally. You could totally do a mini self-map for each part because "the me" is actually multiple maps like a tree branch or fractally thing.

Love the course, it's worth it, thank you!