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I just graduated

Sean, I think this is a great course and I hope that your dream comes true that it is taught in schools around the world. I already had a meditation practice before starting but it was nice to finally know the "Why" behind the process. Luckily, I do not have a lot of drama in my life that causes negative emotions but the planning and recalling of the emotional outcomes was very helpful. I look forward to teaching my, teenager these techniques while I am working to master them myself. Thank you for showing up in the world the way you do! I greatly appreciate you offering the course at no cost right now because money is a little tight after leaving my, last job in July 2021 with no backup plan! One day I just had enough of what the boss was throwing at me and something inside of me said "Sean, it is time to quit and move on from here." So, I did! It has been rocky, but I found an amazing place to setup shop with my massage career and the tools I have learned here have already been helpful to my clients and I always recommend them coming here and doing the course themselves. Keep up being awesome because the world needs more people like you.

Thank you,

Sean, LMT

p.s. Have you ever looked up the meaning of our, name? I found it pretty interesting especially considering my, last name means "Of or from the Heavens"