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Depression when first starting out

Anyone else feel resistance by way of just feeling an around non descript low type feeling that kinda gets in the way of progressing? Is this the ego pushing back on the information? How does one work through that?

I have found that by simply feeling the resistance and literally just letting it be there without judgement of it makes a huge difference. By just feeling it and letting it be there, something in the body is processing it. Most people don't like the uncomfortable feeling of negative emotions so they push them down only for them to come back later on, even stronger. In Seans list of books recommended to read. I found the sedona method. This book along with what Sean teaches have literally changed my life in so many ways. I literally went from doing everything I could to try and get rid of negative emotions, to allowing them to be present just like the positive emotions. As soon as I began doing that, they simply started dissolving on there own. If I can't figure out what is causing the emotion to rise up, through the equation of emotion. I simply let it be there, and use the letting go process from the Sedona Method book. More often than not, I simply just let it be there and pay close attention to the thoughts that arrise from the feeling. By doing that it gives me some clarity of what is going on. Hope this helps