A Review of the Mind Mastery 101 Course:
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Yay! Today is Day 45 for me which means I completed and graduated from MM101. W.O.W. I am so appreciative and grateful for this course. I have read both Mind Hacking Happiness Volumes 1 and 2 multiple times, however, this course adds a practical component to the materials that is simply amazing.
Here are my notes and takeaways:
- Take notes as you progress through the course. I had a notebook and pen handy for each session as if I were back in grade school. A lot of the content that Sean shares is rich and scientific so I found myself pausing the videos often and taking notes from the slides so that I could absorb all that was being said. The video format is great so that one can pause to really soak in the info. I also very much appreciated that the slides had a lot of words on them because it was great being able to write down the concepts fully so that when I reviewed my notes I actually remembered what was being taught.
- I appreciate the short videos and repetition. The material can be very left-brained so I appreciate the short videos that focus on a topic so that the topic can be absorbed and then practiced. I liked the format of the course very much and how each lesson built upon each other. I also very much appreciated the repetition of the concepts because the repetition helped hammer home these new concepts in my brain.
- Very, very much appreciate the tone of the program. I LOVE Sean’s humor. I like that the tone of the material is down-to-earth and accessible. I found myself laughing out loud a lot as I was learning some very intense (in a good way) material. I also like Sean’s no-nonsense, tell-it-straight-up style. Very refreshing!
- Appreciate the examples. I liked hearing real life examples of how to use the {self} map and how to tweak one’s EP and P in order to shift’s one ER. It would be cool to be able to read more real-life stories of how people have shifted their EP and P to live a happier life.
All in all, I am so very grateful for this course. I notice myself using these tools often. I now journal every day for at least 10 minutes because I want to clear out the garbage cans of my subconscious. I already had a meditation practice, but now I am more committed to it because I know that I am strengthening my meta-awareness muscles. I do float therapy from time to time. Those are just a few things that I am now doing consistently because of this course.
I intend to continue practicing these lessons for the rest of my life and I look forward to additional courses to help deepen my mastery in being a Mind Happiness Hacker.
Thank you, Sean, for your commitment to raising the happiness levels in the world! I share your mission and I am grateful for being part of the journey!
With much love and appreciation,
Mind Mastery 101 Course
The Best Mind Course Online- How Your Mind Works
- How Your Emotions Work
- How to Turn Down Your Inner B.S.
- How to Reduce Fear, Anger and Sadness
- Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion
- How to Forgive Easily
- Meditation Made Easy
- Other Mind Mastery Tools