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Pineal Gland


I happened to see one of your podcasts (Two Seals and a Walrus), which is awesome by the way, and you had mentioned the Pineal Gland. I've been interested in the Pineal Gland for a while...just curious about brain stuff. Anyway, I just wanted to share a theory I have. It's kind of out there but it's just a thought...My idea of the Pineal Gland is that it is our "Biological" Soul, "Third Eye", "Physical" Soul or whatever term you prefer. I think it helps get us to where we need to go on a subconscious level. It is literally a physical part of our Brain.

I believe our Consciousness beyond our {self}, Enlightenment, Awareness, Subconscious or whatever you want to call it is who and what we really are...Spiritual Beings! Our Spirit, Soul, Overself (term used by T. Lobsang Rampa), Higherself or whatever you prefer to call it. So, I think our "Souls" are two-fold. Biological AND Spiritual...just a thought:-)

PI for now,
