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Forgiveness of self

Hi Sean,

I am very grateful to have found your website and taken the 101 course. It was a chance view on tiktok that got me here!

I am sharing the website and some details with friends and family. As I share what I learn it reinforces my experiences. I plan to stay with it always and explore more. I just graduated and give the course 19 out of 20 stars. I have one suggestion. I am in a 12 step way of life and have 36 years of sobriety. In the lesson on forgiveness it is directed at forgiving others. I didn't notice any direction or comment about forgiving ones self. I used the same process forgiving myself and it worked. After a couple days I realized I no longer was carrying a memory with weight attached. It would be helpful for some I am sure to also address self forgiveness. In the 12 steps I admitted my wrongs, shared them , and made amends to my best ability, but always carried some guilt or shame. I am a forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us kind of person. Objectively I forgive and know I am forgiven, but the mind would serve up feelings of not being resolved. This 101 has helped in many ways including this.  I will be in touch, and thank you so much! Billy Norris,